Many Thanks to Sian Devlin, a Mental Health Expert for this guest blog.
Promoting Wellbeing:
Be Active:
Cardiovascular exercise releases endorphins which are chemicals that make us feel happy.
Joe Wicks P.E Lesson:
Pre School Curious George Workout:
Easy Zumba for Kids:
Mini Mumbler’s Mindfulness:
Mindfulness (being in the present moment) is great for children. There is a body of research that indicates it can help children improve their abilities to pay attention, calm down and regulate emotion.
One easy way for children to dip their toes into mindfulness is through body poses e.g. different animals. To get your children excited, tell them that doing fun poses can help them feel strong, brave, and happy. Ask the children how they feel after a few rounds of trying either of these poses.
The Superman:
This pose is practiced by standing with the feet just wider than the hips, fists clenched, and arms reached out to the sky, stretching the body as tall as possible.
The Wonder Woman:
This pose is struck by standing tall with legs wider than hip-width apart and hands or fists placed on the hips.
Disney’s Frozen Themed Yoga:
On the subject of superheroes, this can be a related “next step” to teach children how to stay present. Instruct your kids to turn-on their “Spidey senses,” or the super-focused senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch that Spiderman uses to keep tabs on the world around him.
Using all five sentences (Grounding Techniques) can encourage children to pause and focus their attention on the present. It is also a useful distraction technique to reduce anxiety.
As your children to describe the weather outside with as many adjectives as they can.
Ask your children to describe how they are feeling at the moment using words to describe the weather – this allows children to identify their present state without over identifying with their emotions.
Mindfulness Exercises and Scripts for children
Mindful Kids Meditation Music
‘Waking Up’ – a meditation app for children
Creativity is widely researched in mental health and is considered to be a form of mindfulness that can promote wellbeing.
Anna Freud Self Care and Creativity Ideas:
Lots of Craft ideas, Printable activities, colouring and puzzles:
Pinterest Creative Craft Ideas for Children:
Keep Learning:
Twinkl (Teaching Resources) – Code provided for parents:
Children’s Country Songs:
Online Story:
Encourage Kindness and Gratitude:
Discussing Corona Virus with your children:
Young Minds Tips:
Supporting Young People’s Mental Health during Periods of Disruption: