Birth Trauma affects far too many. Even what is deemed as a “textbook birth” can still leave its mark. Not just in the early days, but months and years later. Often the mother may be diagnosed with PND, but PTSD could be at the cause of that particular symptom. Please don’t think you just need to suck it up and carry on. Help is at hand to put it behind you.
We can’t change your birth story, but we can change the way you feel about it, and the harsh emotions and feelings associated. Debriefing your birth whilst using Tapping (EFT – an acupuncture technique), NLP, Hypnotherapy & Mindfulness, we can ease the painful memories and give you relief. So many women suffer in silence because “at least the baby is safe, and that’s what matters.” BUT no… that does matter, but it ISN’T ALL that matters. You matter too. Some don’t speak up because they know others who had it worse… but again, your feelings are valid, regardless of someone else’s experiences.
How do I avoid Birth Trauma in the first place?
PTSD can occur when someone is in fear for their lives or others’ lives, loss of control, big shock, and so a question that I frequently get as an Antenatal Teacher is “Is it even worth doing a birth plan, when it can all change anyway?” Absolutely yes. The more information and knowledge you have, the more you can make informed choices, and have a sense of control over a situation. I always suggest we base plans on our preferences, and more than one plan.
What you would prefer to happen during a natural birth? What would you prefer to happen if a CS was necessary? Planning your preferences for a Cesarean doesn’t mean you will end up with one, but it does mean you will feel calmer and more in control if it does happen to be needed.
Hypnobirthing is something many people reach for. I love hypnobirthing in theory. I love teaching people many different ways to induce a trance state of mind, breathing techniques for calmness and optimum mindset, but what I would never do is a standard hypnobirthing class that promised a particular type of birth, or a few scripted techniques that tell you what you need to do… because as a doula of over 14 years, and a woman who has birthed 6 babies myself now, I can assure you there is NO ONE WAY and many women that I see for Birth Trauma felt that they messed up because they “didn’t do hypnobirthing right.” Again a feeling of lack of control can happen if every woman is expecting a calm and peaceful birth, because although it can be for some… for others, it can be a super intense and lioness type experience where you want to just move and roar.
What helps most?
Being armed with a toolkit of comfort ideas, a partner who knows these, so you don’t have to think… (switching off the thinking brain is so important) and last, but definitely not least, being free of fear. Fear causes tension, tension causes pain.
Mumbler offer:
1. Come along to one of Baby Alchemy’s Birthing Headspace workshops. Only £45 normally, but Mumblers get £10 off for a limited time (the next 3 session – through Feb & March)
2. £20 off Birth Trauma Therapy til spring – March 20th (normally £65)
Jay Kelly of Baby Alchemy. Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, and Mizan Therapist. Specialised in Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth for over 11 years, and Doula for 14 years. Mother to 4 teenage daughters, and surrogate mother to 2 more babies for another mother.
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