We all know by now that UCI Road World Championships are coming to Yorkshire from the 21st to the 29th of September 2019, with Harrogate at the heart of all the action. There has been plenty of talk about road closures & disruption however at Harrogate Mumbler, we try and focus on the positive and we are absolutely thrilled that there is so much going on at the UCI celebrations for families! (although if you want the road closures info then we’ve got it all here for you)
We would love to see you and the family out and about in Harrogate during the Champs, so to help you decide what to do and where to go we’ve prepared this handy guide of the best of what’s happening. The Harrogate Fan Zone is a great place to view the cycling in the week, especially if your school is closed at any point during the Championships.
The Fan Zone
There’s so much for local & visiting families to do and experience in the HarrogateFan Zone, especially over the first and second weekend of the Championships. Whatever the age of your kids, there are activities happening to engage and entertainment them.
The Fan Zone is located on West Park Stray in the centre of Harrogate and is open throughout the Championships (times below), with family activities and entertainment happening between 10am and 4pm on the first and second weekend. All timings could be subject to change.
Fan Zone Opening Times
Saturday 21 Sept – 0900 to 2030
Sunday 22 Sept – 0900 to 1830
Monday 23 Sept – 0900 to 1830
Tuesday 24 Sept – 0900 to 1830
Wednesday 25 Sept – 1000 to 1830
Thursday 26 Sept – 1100 to 1830
Friday 27 Sept – 1000 to 2200
Saturday 28 Sept – 1000 to 2200
Sunday 29 Sept – 0800 to 2030
Top Tips for the Fan Zone – Dress for the weather and make sure you have warm and waterproof clothes with you. Keep bag size to under 25L (50 x 40 x 40cm) – bags larger than this will not be permitted to be brought into the Fan Zone. Click here for other Fan Zone restricted items. Allow plenty of time for entry, know where the entrances are and the walking routes from transport hubs. Plan your journey, consider using public transport, know when the last public transport is and book your parking early.
Who and what will be there – The British Army, British Cycling – with cycling focused activity for 4-10yr olds, an HSBC tent – featuring a school’s programme and competitions, an action sports arena, kids’ zone, a big screen, the BBC Bus, Harrogate Borough Council, Welcome to Yorkshire, Harrogate Baths and North Yorkshire County Council. There’ll also be a ‘stretch tent’ if it rains, loads of cycle pop up shops offering advice and cycling experiences, and a whole variety of food and drink outlets, including a bar. Finally, look out for the very collectable commemorative postcards from the spectator engagement volunteers across the championships!
Harrogate Fan Zone Family Entertainment Schedule
Saturday 21st & Sunday September 22nd and then Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th
There’s also a full schedule of family entertainment on both weekends. All activities will be open from 10am till 4pm and are suitable from 0-10-year olds and their families (and beyond for those who would like to play). There’s also a small stage area for some pop-up entertainment and shows starting from 11am. Here are just some of the brilliant family activities to get involved in when you come to the Harrogate Fan Zone.
Meet the Animals – This area will be open all day allowing families to meet all sorts of animals and creatures from giant rabbits to snakes and spiders. The Rangers will also host two educational family shows in the stage area where the kids can get to hold some exotic reptiles and insects.
Forest School – This area will be open all day for families to drop in and make and take a forest school craft and learn some forest school skills. It will be hosted by qualified Forest School practitioners and welcoming children of all ages.
Soft Play – This area will be supervised by one of the event fairies from 10-4 daily and will be for 0-3-year olds. It will include a selection of soft play and a ride on rollercoaster. Play times will be limited to 5 minutes per child at busy times.
Flower Fairy Garden – This area will be hosted by the event fairies from 10am- 4pm daily and will allow children of all ages to sit with the fairies and make magical flower wands.
Bike Themed Craft Area – This area will be hosted by an event fairy and will be open from 10-4pm daily. These crafts will be suitable for 3years and above and will include bike colouring, bike themed crafts and giant floor standing bike chalk boards. This area will be open to younger children who would like to join in and have an adult to help them.
Messy Play for 0-4yrs – This award winning educational messy play area will be hosted by a teaching professional from 10-4 daily and will include painting, play dough, scribbling and dance. With a nod towards a biking theme, little ones will be able to enjoy messy creations and some take home crafts. This area will be open to those older than 4 who would like to join in.
Face Painting – There will be two face artists from 10am- 4pm daily offering a range of body art for all ages …
Magic Tom – One of the industry’s best family magicians will be joining us daily. He will be doing two shows per day and some circus skills and balloon modelling in the Magic Corner between shows.
Harry Potter – Also in the magic corner families will enjoy meeting Harry Potter. He will be there throughout the day mix and mingling with families and showing them a trick or two. Europe’s best Daniel Radcliffe look a-like will host a Hogwarts themed tribute magic show at 3 pm daily on the stage.
The Mad Hatter On A Bike –Our fabulous Mad Hatter will be entertaining families from his magical bike. Circling the tent and greeting families as they arrive. He will engage audiences of all ages with his theatrical jolly banter throughout the day
Costume Characters – Bertie Bear, Wizzy Wizard and a Storm Trouper will be mix and mingling with families daily. They will have set times on the stage area for families to come and say hello and have some pictures.
The Yorkshire Rotters – have confirmed that they will be able to attend on the Sunday’s. Possibly Saturday, but not confirmed yet! They use a bike to power a smoothie maker and educate families on how to reduce waste!
Stage Area – This will be set up in the centre of the marquee. It will be an intimate stage area set out with benches or hay bales and a fairy land backstage backdrop. Daily running order includes;
11am Magic Tom Show
11:30am Bertie Bear meet and greet
12:00 Animals Intuition Show
12:30 Storm Trouper meet and greet
13:00 Magic Tom Show
13:30 Mad Hatter & Bertie Bear meet and greet
14:00 Animals Intuition Show
14:30 Fairy Enchantica’s sing a long adventure!
15:00 Harry Potter tribute show
15:45 Storm Trouper
Harrogate Fan Zone Family Entertainment Schedule
Monday 23rdSeptember to Friday 27thSeptember inclusive
From Monday 23rd to Friday 27th September the team from Enchantica’s Workshop in Harrogate will be offering FREE classes for everyone to enjoy in the Fan Zone. There will be nourishing craft activities available daily from 10am-4pm plus the following activities available to choose from daily;
Exact times will be released soon, in the meantime here are the details of each session;
Baby Mindful –Baby Mindful are beautiful classes for parents and their babies, centred around the principles of mindfulness.
Baby Beats –Sing-along adventures for 0-3-year olds and their grown-ups, bringing learning to life for you and your little one.
Rising Stars –Creative journeys for 2-11-year olds focusing on the disciplines of drama and mindfulness.
Talking Tots –Develop communication skills in these fun and interactive classes for 1-5-year olds.
Dragonfly Yoga & Sound Therapy – Mind body and soul Hatha and vinyasa based yoga classes and sound therapy ceremonies
The Yoga B –This mixed ability, vinyasa class will move you at a steady pace, building up heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and ultimately inner stillness.
To find out more visit the worlds.yorkshire.com
The Fan Zone will have big screens, so you won’t miss a minute of the action. The Fan Zoneis also the best place for refreshments, entertainment, kids’ activities and some of the world’s finest cycling brands exhibiting.
Valley Drive and Swan Road gives people the chance to see riders twice in one lap, and with some of the races featuring more than one lap of the Harrogate Circuit, there’s plenty of opportunity to see the riders up close.
Other good vantage points are the Otley Road, Valley Drive and Ripon Road. Check out the route maps and recommended viewing areas here and timings for every race on every day, here