Perhaps you have confidence or anxiety difficulties, lost your motivation or direction over lockdown, feel your skills are outdated or have money worries clouding your focus. These are just some of the many challenges that we know can make job seeking tricky.
North Yorkshire Sport are ready to help you overcome such obstacles, to feel your best and achieve your goals. You don’t need to be sporty to be supported by us either, we are inclusive to all.
Please get in touch so that our empathetic and down to earth mentors can provide you with personalised, one to one support, to help you move forward in life. We’ll chat face to face, or remotely, to understand your circumstances, identify your needs and can collaborate with trusted partners to bring you the practical and/or psychological assistance to help you prosper, all at no cost to you.
This opportunity is a project called Action Towards Inclusion, managed by Better Connect. It is fully funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund. Eligibility is regardless of any benefit status, but you must be: over 18 (or under 18 NEET), not currently in work and legally able to live and work in the UK.
If you are interested and live in North Yorkshire, York or East Riding please contact Hayley at [email protected] or 07510 316338
More information also available online or