This is a free service to anyone in paid employment that self-diagnoses as neurodiverse. This includes OCD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism and others.

To download a copy of the poster above, click here ???? Autism Plus Thriving at Work

[email protected]
Visit Website


For more information please visit Growing Healthy North Yorkshire – Healthy Child Team

Children & Families: Early Help provides support for a family when a need is identified at any point in a child’s life. We work across all agencies and partners and we aim to deliver the right support, at the right time and in the right place to families.

The following group activities will be available to meet local need. Most of these programmes are referral-only. Please talk to any practitioner if you would like you, your child and/or a family member to be referred onto any of the activities. The practitioner will contact us to add your name and details onto our waiting lists and you will then be contacted.

Contact Details For Harrogate Childrens Centres

Fierce Mums

FM is for super cool mums who are doing it all and need to relate to other super cool mums in an honest and supportive way.  FM supports all mums  in this exciting and often unpredictable journey!  You are not alone.  I can promise you that there are others feeling exactly how you feel right now!  Same thoughts, same pressures, same emotions, same feelings.  Please share your thoughts and expert wisdom on the topics that come up.  If you fancy writing a blog to support other mums of your own experiences then please get in touch.  We are in this together and I’ve got your back! FM x

Lucy’s Pop Choir

Lucy’s Pop Choir is coming to Harrogate! We’re an adult choir who sing pop songs you know and love from the charts. There are NO auditions, NO sheet music, just plenty of fun singing!

