A wise Elf once said “The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing load for all to hear!” and ain’t that just the truth! It’s been just over a week since Harrogate mum, and founder of the local FB group, Mums2mums, Mary Beggs-Reid came to Sally Haslewood here at Harrogate Mumbler with a fantastic idea, The Christmas Eve Jingle.

If you’re looking for things to do this Christmas with the family then we have LOADS of fab ideas over on our website! Downloadable activity sheets, ideas for Christmas Eve boxes, baking ideas and much much more! Click here for more details!
What is the Christmas Eve Jingle?
At 6pm on Christmas Eve 2020 we’re all going to go into the street with our family and ring our bells and then if you’re feeling in good voice, sing a few Christmas songs. The idea is to spread Christmas cheer, remind Santa & the reindeers that we’re all here despite the world-wide pandemic, and generally cheering everyone up. Goodness knows we all need it! Won’t it be wonderful if our neighbours & any people living alone hear the jingle bells and our kids singing Christmas carols on the street?

When Mary & Sally first discussed this, they thought it would just be a Harrogate thing, but by the wonder of social media it’s all ready spreading far and wide across the world!
We really can’t believe how well this idea has taken off. Fast forward one week and the Christmas Eve Jingle has well and truly gone viral – over 150 thousand Facebook group members and nearly 400K people signing up for the event. Isn’t it just lovely to see what we can do as a community when we all come together!
So if you haven’t already join the Facebook Group here, or you can respond to the event here. You can also vote on which Christmas carols you think we should all sing: our poll is here.
We’ve also had another local Mumbler – Sian Cox who will be be selling personalised bells for the Jingle. She will be donating a percentage of the monies to a charity chosen by the creators of the Christmas Eve Jingle (tbc). Bells will arrive this week so if anyone would like to go on a pre-order you can please visit their facebook page here.
You can download our Christmas songs here: Christmas Eve Jingle Song Sheet ,if you fancy a good old fashioned sing song after we’ve jingled our bells!
Start spreading the news, far and wide, and make this somewhat strange Christmas one to remember for all the right reasons!
Thanks again to Mary Beggs-Reid for coming up with such a brilliant idea, Sally & the team at Harrogate Mumbler are so pleased to be involved.
Merry Christmas one and all!
#christmasevejingle #xmasevejingle